Many game developers released new news about their works at the Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase on June 13, and joined the Xbox Game Pass lineup. Here we have summarized the keypoints for everyone who missed the live event: · Arkane Studio’s RedFall trailer...
不少游戲開發商于6月13日的Xbox & Bethesda Games Showcase發佈作品的新消息,並加入Xbox Game Pass陣容,這裏小編為沒有熬夜觀看的大家整理了懶人包: · Arkane新作《血色降臨》實機宣傳片,介紹了本作的背景設定和玩法,世界陷入了一場吸血鬼的災變中,格局能力的主角團被困在了一座小島上,和吸血鬼們鬥智鬥勇。2023年登陸Xbox Series/PC,首發加入Xbox Game Pass。 · 《窟窿騎士 絲之歌》釋出最新宣傳片,2023年6月登陸Xbox...
Over 30 participating game developers has released new information regarding upcoming console and PC titles on the Summer Game Fest 2022 today(June 10th 2022). Below is the quick peek at the titles featured in the State of Play: SGF Summer Game Fest 2022 Day1Street...
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II reveal trailer and first details has been released by publisher Activision and developer Infinity Ward and had confirmed its launch on the PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Steam, on PC on October 28....