We used to be a nation of values. One of these values was the shared commodity of watching things at the same time. Since literally prehistoric times, there have existed records that despite being annoying twats, people like doing things with other people. However,...
We’re living in a golden age of co op games. After more than a decade of believing it was only grammatically correct to put the word “competitive” in front of “Multiplayer”, we’ve hit an evolution of peak gaming- chilling with your...
Court is not a place where you’ll find nice people. In the world of Ace Attorney this stands doubly so- not even being a lawyer can protect you from having hot coffee thrown your way, or invisible sword slashes or a whip. It’s absolutely bonkers. In every...
The Bullet Heaven genre is mostly known for its hypnotic gameplay loop, building on assaulting your senses with the might of a slot machine on crack. It’s not really been seen in other settings quite yet, because how else would you build around it? If I walk...
The discourse era of social media is, let’s face it, terrible. What used to be a space for overpriced coffee, Candy Crush invites and a realtime checker for when your favorite celebrities were having bowel movements is now a maelstrom of people at each...
One thing people don’t talk about is how much the holiday dynamic changes over time. When you’re young, you’re running around the family house chasing each other and pretending to be Power Rangers or what have you. But as you get older, that feeling...