Sony has released new information regarding upcoming PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 games on their State of Play today(Sept 13th 2022). Below is the quick peek at the titles featured in the State of Play: The first game announced was Tekken 8 , the latest...
索尼于今日(9月14日)的State of Play發佈了關於即将在 PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 和 PlayStation VR2 推出的新游戏消息,以下为大家整理一些内容: 最新一期 State Of Play 正式開始,第一款登場的遊戲是《鐵拳》系列最新作《鐵拳 8》 發售日期:未公開 平臺:PS5/Xbox Series/Steam Sega《人中之龍 維新!極》正式發表,全球同步發售 發售日期:2023年2月平臺:PS5/PS4/Xbox Series/Xbox...
Sony has released new information regarding upcoming PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5 and PlayStation VR2 games on their State of Play today(June 3rd 2022). Below is the quick peek at the titles featured in the State of Play: Resident Evil 4 Remake Release...