I adore the original Alien movie. The idea of being stalked by an unknowable space horror, one that can be anywhere is the kind of formative experience that’s made the Xenomorph such a compelling movie villain. And yet, in the modern space, it feels like all...
I liked Sonic The Hedgehog 3. With the exorcism of Ugly Sonic, SEGA created a surprisingly heartfelt series of kids movies that both reinterpret the iconic blue mascot in a fun way while also showing a lot of reverence for its source material. In summary, Sonic The...
I have a lot of interest in peripherals not made for lavish setups. When people think PC accessories they usually imagine a triple threat: large, lit and a massive money sink. I mean, for those people spending on a computer not only powerful enough to put someone on...
The world of simulator games is a scary one. And I don’t mean things like The Sims or management sims. I mean real, “This is a simulacra of a thing in the real world” simulators. Farming Simulator 25 is an entry in a hallowed franchise, famous for...
Shadows of the Damned Hella Remastered is an inspirational game. While there’s a lot to say about the massive wave of remasters, remakes and the like, one good thing has come out of it: the undoing of the creative barricade created by Gen 7 architecture. That...
Glory to the boomer shooter. After a console generation overly worshiping John Soldierman, we then got a resurgence of “old school” shooters, focusing on explosions, mobility and violence. They’re cartoonish, visceral and high-execution: AKA recipes...