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There’s a lot of ways to handle an overtuned character, but none quite like Queen Dizzy. While the orthodox has always been to nerf them into the dirt, the much funnier option is to release a character that’s very strong at countering them.

That seems to be the case with Queen Dizzy, the newest character launching with the Guilty Gear Strive Season 4 pass. She’s a zoner, meaning she stands opposed to the rushdowns like May and Slayer. But it’s not just her classification that makes her such an oppressive force: it’s that she’s specifically the kind of zoner that makes you question your life choices.

Overall, Dizzy’s kit feels like a much more consistent version of Asuka. Considering she’s not limited by such frivolous things like cards, mana and Test Cases, she has all her best tools upfront. Each one a specialized manner of making sure your opponent has time to check their text messages.

Queen Dizzy: Gorillas Hate Her, Kings Of Illyria Love Her

The Ice Spike, called I Use This To Catch Fish should be renamed to “I use this to punish people who don’t know it’s not their turn”

As someone known to partake in the Unga-Bunga it’s amazing how good Queen Dizzy is at locking you down: her ice spike is a catch-all solution, acting as long-range pressure, an anti air and a setup all-in-one.

Queen Dizzy Ice Floor
I Use This Screenshot To Show How Screwed I Am

If you absolutely insist on pressing buttons against her she even has her Ice Floor follow-up: a nasty move that kills momentum on any forward moving attacks, while also granting a hard knockdown to the fool who gets hit while its out.

But what does she look like on offense? Like her previous incarnations Queen Dizzy is an absolute monster, being able to control space very well with projectiles.

*Megalovania intensifies*

Sure, her toolbox isn’t as big as it was in Xrd- but having two different forms of We Talked A Lot Together to control aerial and ground space mean she can keep her turn really easily. Better yet, For Roasting Chestnuts ensures her zoning hits you no matter where you are, and can make even walking forward seem like backstroking the length of the Seine.

It cannot be stated just how dangerous Queen Dizzy can get if you don’t get in on her fast- Michael Sword is a monster of a special move that lets her mess with you from across the screen, and her close Slash normal move puts you in a freeze state to let her both back off and slam you in the face with it.

While an air projectile sounds good on paper, your main use for this is going to be mixing up your timing

That being said, it’s not like Queen Dizzy is some impenetrable wall. For one, getting in is catastrophic to her, since she’s squishy enough that she’ll fall apart once you get your offense running.

You’re also mostly safe if she jumps- unlike her Xrd counterpart she only has access to her setplay tools on the ground, with the exception of a projectile on her jumping Dust that lets her change her trajectory.

A long setup move that loses to reversals is… not ideal

There’s also the fact of her special move, Wings of Light- while it made a lot of social media buzz over its ability to passively drain health over time, it’s a big commitment. A 10 second startup that resets on wall break and goes away if she gets hit means you have to play a very predictable game to have any chance of getting it out- one that also means no Roman Cancels or Supers if you want to get the most of it while it’s out.

Still, if you like ruining a rushdown character’s day Queen Dizzy is available now individually or as part of the Season 4 Pass for Guilty Gear Strive. She’s a little to the higher execution side considering how you’ll have to manage space, freeze state and make sure not to leave too many gaps- but if you learn her you’ll quickly find a sick enjoyment from edging your opponent’s offense.

DLC access provided by Bandai Namco Entertainment SEA

Nmia Gaming - Editor W. Amirul Adlan