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Riot Games has teased a new feature coming to 2XKO as part of their newly announced Alpha Lab test– the 2XKO Pulse Fuse, a control style that adds auto combos into the game.

In a new video, they introduced the 2XKO Pulse Fuse, which joins the Freestyle, 2X, Fury and Double Down fuses in the game.

Each of these add new mechanics to your team, such as Double Down letting you follow up one character’s super with another from the assist character, similar to Marvel Vs Capcom’s Delayed Hyper Combo system.

How The 2XKO Pulse Fuse Works

2XKO Pulse Fuse

For the 2XKO Pulse Fuse what it does is add auto combos similar to Blazblue Cross Tag Battle, where mashing light, medium or heavy into each other generates its own combo string.

The medium and heavy autocombos will also spend meter on supers if the player has them, with heavy using the Ultimate Skills.

In the video, they explain that this doesn’t take away functionality from the characters- players can still do manual combos, and can even end their custom strings with the autocombos.

2XKO Pulse Fuse

Part of the rationale for doing it like this is the game’s duos mode, which sees two players on one team.

With the 2XKO Pulse Fuse, in duos mode one player can rely on the auto combos to carry them through a match while the other can more freely mess around with the game’s systems.

2XKO Pulse Fuse

“One of the most important things for us is being able to play with your friends”, says Game Director Shaun Rivera. “We were hoping this would also be one of those avenues, to better enrich the duo play experience”.

“When someone’s brand new, they’re having a good time, you’re doing the more advanced stuff. You’re actually playing the game together still”, he says. “They can take the next step at any time”.

W. Amirul Adlan
Nmia Gaming – Editor W. Amirul Adlan