Game Editor (Full-Time/Internship)
Job Responsibilities
- Review games (PS, Xbox, Switch, mobile, and PC).
- Write articles, game reviews, and gaming news.
- Create game-related shorts content
- Manage social media accounts.
- Regularly update websites and media reports.
- Attend relevant events.
- Participate in game interviews.
Job Requirements
- Passionate about gaming and enjoys sharing gaming experiences.
- Stay updated with gaming news and trends.
- Able to analyze a game’s strengths and weaknesses and review it objectively.
- Strong writing and communication skills, with a good sense for gaming news.
- Ability to write original articles.
- Proficient in English writing (dual language is a bonus!Chinese / Malay / English)
Additional Skills (Bonus)
- Owning a console or PC is a plus.
- Lifelong gamer with experience across various platforms.
- Interested in tech, PC components, or gaming merchandise.
- Familiar with operating social media platforms.
- Skilled in video editing or design.
- Capable of providing voiceovers for videos.
Gamer Perks
- Play games at work.
- Flexible working hours, with fixed work-from-home days weekly.
- Get access to the latest games upon release.
- Office equipped with various consoles for gaming.
- Travel opportunities to international events (Tokyo Game Show, Taipei Game Show, Computex, Gamescom Asia, etc.).
Our office is located in Old Klang Road, Kuala Lumpur,
Feeling excited? Interested gamers, please send your:
- Resume.
- A 1,000-word game review or a 5-minute review video (any game; submitting both is welcome!).
We guarantee that rejected game reviews and videos will not be used without permission.
If shortlisted, we will contact you for an interview. If not, don’t be discouraged! We will continue recruiting for other positions.
Send your application to career@nmiagaming.com
The Nmia Gaming team looks forward to having you on board!
– 評測遊戲(PS,Xbox,Switch,手遊與PC)
– 編寫文章、遊戲評測和遊戲新聞
– 創作遊戲相關影片,編寫脚本、配音和剪輯等
– 管理社交媒體
– 定時更新網頁/媒體報導
– 出席相關活動
– 參與遊戲訪談
– 熱愛玩遊戲,喜歡與人分享遊戲的點滴
– 時常關注遊戲新聞資訊
– 可分析遊戲的優缺點,并以客觀角度進行評測
– 擅長網路文字表達與溝通,對於遊戲新聞有一定的敏感度
– 能夠以原創方式編寫文章
– 優秀的中文編寫能力以及基礎英文編寫能力
– 有主機/個人電腦爲佳
– 從小到大都在玩各種遊戲
– 對科技/電腦配件/遊戲商品有興趣
– 熟悉操作各種社交媒體
– 會剪輯/設計
– 可為影片進行配音
Gamer Perks
– 上班光明正大玩遊戲
– 彈性工作時間,每週有固定天數Work from home
– 能夠第一時間玩最新發售的遊戲
– 辦公室擁有各種主機供遊玩
– 出差至各國活動(Tokyo Game Show, Taipei Game Show, Computex, Gamescom Asia等等)
我們的辦公室坐落在吉隆坡,Old Klang Road。
– 個人簡歷
– 編寫約1千字的遊戲評測 或 5分鐘左右評測影片。(任意遊戲,其中一項即可,想要投稿更多當然也歡迎!)