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Malaysian otakus have been swept away for a magical weekend at Season4Otaku Mini 2024 – NiMa’s Circus. The spectacular cosplay and anime convention took place at the Atria Shopping Gallery Event Hall from the 15th to 16th June, gathering over 6,000 anime and cosplay enthusiasts.  

NiMa’s Circus showcased various thrilling activities, competitions, and performances that left attendees spellbound. One of the main attractions was the Coswalk Competition, which exhibited the extraordinary craftsmanship and creativity of cosplayers who brought their favourite characters to life. Sakura was crowned the Lolita Coswalk champion, and Raisha won the Kid Coswalk category, with both competitors displaying fabulously creative outfits that the judges loved. The event also featured a dance and singing competition where Team Majide and Dimlyyingappeared triumphant in the respective categories. 

Taiwan’s beloved comic artist – Bambooxun – also made an appearance and spoke about the inspiration behind his humorous comics – characters associated with the horror genre like Bloody Mary and Hanako-san were given a comedic twist to make them lighthearted and funny for his audience. During his talk, Bambooxun shared his experience as a self-taught artist, running a stall as well as giving creative insights and inspirations for other budding artists. The event also featured various merchandise and artwork from over 110 vendors such as Jom Figure, Akari Mall, Pasar Virtual Entertainment and De Beauty Zone. 

Throughout the weekend, attendees were entertained by the exhilarating performances by amazing artists including Kazuki Tai, Sanjiboo, and QiQi. NiMa’s Circus also featured a spooky haunted house for the thrill-seekers who get to navigate the dark passages and face various creatures inspired by Japanese folklore and horror stories. On both days, the event wrapped up with a whimsical Clown Parade by 7th Sense Production. 

We are excited to have witnessed the success of NiMa’s Circus over the weekend. Our mission has always been to make anime and cosplay accessible to enthusiasts in Malaysia but we also strive to invite newcomers from across the country as well as the region to explore all of the wonder and magic anime has to offer,” said Yap Kai Shuien, Founder of Season4Otaku. “Our team is also gearing up for our other exciting events happening this year which includes Omatsuri Time!2024, Season4Otaku Mini – NiMa Bistro, and Collection of Fear and we hope to continue this momentum for many years to come.


Season4Otaku is now focusing on their next event, Omatsuri Time!2024, happening from 19 – 21 July 2024. Malaysian anime, game, and cosplay enthusiasts can keep up to date with Season4Otaku’s latest events via their website, Facebook and Instagram

Evan 魚丸

Nmia Gaming – Editor Evan 魚丸