遙想2022年12月8日的那天,史萊姆發了一篇標題為 任天堂簽了!Steam對微軟的十年合約也給出了回應 的新聞,當時該片新聞內容是根據 布拉德·史密斯,现任微软总裁兼首席法务官、副董事长在推特上的發文而寫的。當時由於網上並沒有白紙黑字的簽約條文,史萊姆擅自超譯而過度解讀,因此在這裡致歉。
Our acquisition will bring Call of Duty to more gamers and more platforms than ever before. That’s good for competition and good for consumers. Thank you @Nintendo. Any day @Sony wants to sit down and talk, we’ll be happy to hammer out a 10-year deal for PlayStation as well. https://t.co/m1IQxdeo6n
— Brad Smith (@BradSmi) December 7, 2022
We’ve now signed a binding 10-year contract to bring Xbox games to Nintendo’s gamers. This is just part of our commitment to bring Xbox games and Activision titles like Call of Duty to more players on more platforms. pic.twitter.com/JmO0hzw1BO — Brad Smith (@BradSmi) February 21, 2023